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Validating the Turkish adaptation of the Positive and Negative Affect Scale-Children (PANAS-C) for Turkish adolescents
Psychology in the Schools ( IF 1.923 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-31 , DOI: 10.1002/pits.23167
Mehmet Ali Yıldız 1

The aim of this study was to adapt the Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS-C) developed by Laurent et al. into Turkish and to examine its validity and reliability on high school adolescents. The data of the study were analyzed with four different study groups. The first study group consisted of 414 high school adolescents, 262 girls (63.3%) and 152 boys (36.7%), between the ages of 14 and 19, with a mean age of 15.80 (SD = 1.15). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted with the first study group to determine the construct validity of the scale and a 14-item short form of the scale was obtained. A total of 295 adolescents, 159 girls (53.9%) and 136 boys (46.1%), between the ages of 14 and 19, with a mean age of 16.06 (SD = 1.16), participated in the second study group. CFA was conducted with this group for the construct validity of the short form; a two-dimensional structure was obtained as in the original form of the scale. In addition, multiple-group CFA was conducted with the data obtained from the second study group, and cross-validation of the scale regarding gender was ensured. The internal consistency coefficient, combined reliability values, and average variance extracted values of the scale were examined with both the first and second study groups, and the values obtained were found to be acceptable. The third study group consisted of 69 high school students, 36 girls, and 33 boys, with an average age of 15.67 (SD = 0.82). The criterion-related validity of the scale was examined with the third group. As a result of the criterion-related validity study, it was found that there was a moderately positive relationship between positive emotion and life satisfaction and a negative relationship between positive emotion and depression. On the other hand, there was a moderate negative relationship between negative emotion and life satisfaction and a significant positive relationship between negative emotion and depression. The test-retest reliability of the scale was examined with the fourth study group. For this purpose, 63 students were administered the PANAS-C at 3-week intervals. Significant relationships were found for test–retest reliability, r = .70, p < .01 for the positive emotion dimension, and r = .63, p < .01 for the negative emotion dimension. The results of the study were discussed and interpreted and suggestions for researchers were presented.


验证针对土耳其青少年的积极和消极情感量表 - 儿童 (PANAS-C) 的土耳其版本

本研究的目的是改编 Laurent 等人开发的儿童积极和消极情绪量表 (PANAS-C)。翻译成土耳其语并检查其对高中青少年的有效性和可靠性。该研究的数据由四个不同的研究组进行分析。第一个研究组由 414 名高中青少年组成,其中 262 名女孩(63.3%)和 152 名男孩(36.7%),年龄在 14 岁至 19 岁之间,平均年龄为 15.80 岁(SD = 1.15)。第一个研究组进行了验证性因素分析 (CFA),以确定量表的结构效度,并获得了包含 14 项的简短形式的量表。第二个研究组共有 295 名青少年,其中 159 名女孩(53.9%)和 136 名男孩(46.1%),年龄在 14 至 19 岁之间,平均年龄 16.06(SD = 1.16)。对该组进行了 CFA,以验证简表的结构有效性;获得了与标尺原始形式相同的二维结构。此外,还利用第二个研究组获得的数据进行了多组 CFA,并确保了量表关于性别的交叉验证。对第一和​​第二研究组均检查了量表的内部一致性系数、组合信度值和平均方差提取值,发现获得的值是可接受的。第三个研究组由 69 名高中生组成,其中女生 36 名,男生 33 名,平均年龄 15.67 岁(SD = 0.82)。第三组检查了量表的标准相关效度。标准相关效度研究的结果发现,积极情绪与生活满意度之间存在适度的正相关关系,而积极情绪与抑郁之间存在负相关关系。另一方面,消极情绪与生活满意度呈中度负相关,而消极情绪与抑郁呈显着正相关。第四个研究组检查了量表的重测信度。为此,63 名学生每 3 周接受一次 PANAS-C。重测信度存在显着关系, 积极情绪维度r  = .70,p < .01, 消极情绪维度r  = .63,p < .01。对研究结果进行了讨论和解释,并向研究人员提出了建议。