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Sex and stroke risk factors: A review of differences and impact
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2024.107624
Mckay Hanna , Ashley Wabnitz , Parneet Grewal

There is an increase in stroke incidence risk over the lifetime of women, given their longer life expectancy. However, an alarming trend for sex disparities, particularly in certain stroke risk factors, shows a concerning need for focus on sex differences in stroke prevention and treatment for women. In this article, we are addressing sex differences in both traditional and sex-specific stroke risk factors. We searched PubMed from inception to December 2022 for articles related to sex differences and risk factors for stroke. We reviewed full-text articles for relevance and ultimately included 152 articles for this focused review. Women are at increased risk for stroke from both traditional and non-traditional stroke risk factors. As women age, they have a higher disease burden of atrial fibrillation, increased risk of stroke related to diabetes, worsening lipid profiles, and higher prevalence of hypertension and obesity compared to men. Further, women carry sex hormone-specific risk factors for stroke, including the age of menarche, menopause, pregnancy, and its complications, as well as hormonal therapy. Men have a higher prevalence of tobacco use and atrial fibrillation, as well as an increased risk for stroke related to hyperlipidemia. Additionally, men have sex-specific risks related to low testosterone levels. By identifying biological sex-specific risk factors for stroke, developing robust collaborations, researching, and applying the knowledge for risk reduction strategies, we can begin to tailor prevention and reduce the global burden of stroke morbidity and mortality.



由于女性的预期寿命较长,因此她们一生中中风发病的风险会增加。然而,性别差异的惊人趋势,特别是在某些中风危险因素方面,表明在女性中风预防和治疗中需要关注性别差异。在本文中,我们将讨论传统和特定性别的中风危险因素中的性别差异。我们搜索了 PubMed 从成立到 2022 年 12 月期间与性别差异和中风危险因素相关的文章。我们审查了全文文章的相关性,最终纳入了 152 篇文章进行重点审查。由于传统和非传统中风危险因素,女性中风的风险增加。随着女性年龄的增长,与男性相比,她们的房颤疾病负担更高,与糖尿病相关的中风风险增加,血脂状况恶化,高血压和肥胖的患病率更高。此外,女性携带性激素特异性的中风危险因素,包括初潮年龄、更年期、怀孕及其并发症,以及激素治疗。男性吸烟和心房颤动的患病率较高,而且与高脂血症相关的中风风险也较高。此外,男性还存在与睾酮水平低相关的特定性别风险。通过识别中风的生物性别特异性危险因素、开展强有力的合作、研究和应用降低风险策略的知识,我们可以开始制定预防措施并减少中风发病率和死亡率的全球负担。