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Understanding the relationship between road users and the roadway infrastructure in Ghana
Accident Analysis & Prevention ( IF 6.376 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2024.107475
Brianna P. Lawton , Shauna L. Hallmark , Guillermo Basulto-Elias , Daniel Atuah Obeng , Williams Ackaah

Ghana exemplifies the contribution of road crashes to mortality and morbidity in Africa, partly due to a growing population and increasing car ownership, where fatalities have increased by 12 to 15 % annually since 2008 (National Road Safety Authority (NRSA), 2017). The study described in this paper focused on understanding driver behavior at unsignalized junctions in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Understanding driver behavior at unsignalized junctions is particularly important since failure to stop or yield can seriously affect vulnerable road users.



加纳是非洲道路交通事故对死亡率和发病率影响的典型例子,部分原因是人口增长和汽车保有量增加,自 2008 年以来,该国死亡人数每年增加 12% 至 15%(国家道路安全局 (NRSA),2017)。本文描述的研究重点是了解加纳阿散蒂地区无信号路口的驾驶员行为。了解驾驶员在无信号路口的行为尤为重要,因为未能停车或让行可能会严重影响弱势道路使用者。