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TopoX: A Suite of Python Packages for Machine Learning on Topological Domains
arXiv - CS - Mathematical Software Pub Date : 2024-02-04 , DOI: arxiv-2402.02441
Mustafa Hajij, Mathilde Papillon, Florian Frantzen, Jens Agerberg, Ibrahem AlJabea, Ruben Ballester, Claudio Battiloro, Guillermo Bernárdez, Tolga Birdal, Aiden Brent, Peter Chin, Sergio Escalera, Simone Fiorellino, Odin Hoff Gardaa, Gurusankar Gopalakrishnan, Devendra Govil, Josef Hoppe, Maneel Reddy Karri, Jude Khouja, Manuel Lecha, Neal Livesay, Jan Meißner, Soham Mukherjee, Alexander Nikitin, Theodore Papamarkou, Jaro Prílepok, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Paul Rosen, Aldo Guzmán-Sáenz, Alessandro Salatiello, Shreyas N. Samaga, Simone Scardapane, Michael T. Schaub, Luca Scofano, Indro Spinelli, Lev Telyatnikov, Quang Truong, Robin Walters, Maosheng Yang, Olga Zaghen, Ghada Zamzmi, Ali Zia, Nina Miolane

We introduce topox, a Python software suite that provides reliable and user-friendly building blocks for computing and machine learning on topological domains that extend graphs: hypergraphs, simplicial, cellular, path and combinatorial complexes. topox consists of three packages: toponetx facilitates constructing and computing on these domains, including working with nodes, edges and higher-order cells; topoembedx provides methods to embed topological domains into vector spaces, akin to popular graph-based embedding algorithms such as node2vec; topomodelx is built on top of PyTorch and offers a comprehensive toolbox of higher-order message passing functions for neural networks on topological domains. The extensively documented and unit-tested source code of topox is available under MIT license at https://github.com/pyt-team.


TopoX:一套用于拓扑域机器学习的 Python 包

我们介绍 topox,这是一个 Python 软件套件,它为扩展图的拓扑域上的计算和机器学习提供可靠且用户友好的构建块:超图、单纯图、元胞图、路径和组合复形。 topox 由三个包组成:toponetx 有助于在这些域上进行构建和计算,包括处理节点、边和高阶单元; topoembedx 提供了将拓扑域嵌入向量空间的方法,类似于流行的基于图的嵌入算法,例如 node2vec; topomodelx 建立在 PyTorch 之上,为拓扑域上的神经网络提供了一个全面的高阶消息传递函数工具箱。经广泛记录和单元测试的 topox 源代码可根据 MIT 许可在 https://github.com/pyt-team 上获取。