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Anticorrosion Properties of Composite Inhibiting Pigment Based on Natural Calcium Silicate and Zinc Monophosphate
Materials Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s11003-024-00768-9
O. P. Khlopyk , I. M. Zin , B. M. Datsko , L. M. Bilyi , Z. A. Duriagina , S. A. Korniy

A composite inhibiting pigment based on natural silicate (wollastonite) and acid salt (zinc monophosphate) was obtained by the method of mechanochemical modification. The new composite pigment wollastonite–zinc monophosphate has high protective properties on aluminum alloy in the environment of weakly acidic atmospheric precipitation, and is superior to a simple mixture of calcium silicate and zinc monophosphate in protective characteristics. An effective corrosion-resistant film consisting of calcium, zinc and aluminum phosphates is formed on the surface of the alloy in the extract of the composite pigment.



