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The Significance of the Redox Gene in the Prognosis and Therapeutic Response of Glioma.
American Journal of Clinical Oncology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-06 , DOI: 10.1097/coc.0000000000001086
Huatao Niu 1 , Honghua Cao 2 , Xin Liu 3 , Yanbei Chen 1 , Zhaojin Cheng 1 , Jinyong Long 4 , Fuhua Li 4 , Chaoyan Sun 5 , Pin Zuo 1

Glioblastoma (GBM) is a fatal adult central nervous system tumor. Due to its high heterogeneity, the survival rate and prognosis of patients are poor. Thousands of people die of this disease every year all over the world. At present, the treatment of GBM is mainly through surgical resection and the combination of later drugs, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. An abnormal redox system is involved in the malignant progression and treatment tolerance of glioma, which is the main reason for poor survival and prognosis. The construction of a GBM redox-related prognostic model may be helpful in improving the redox immunotherapy and prognosis of GBM.


