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The Evolution of Bioclasts during Catagenesis in Rocks of the Bazhenov Formation in the Territory of the Frolov Oil and Gas Region
Moscow University Geology Bulletin Pub Date : 2024-02-07 , DOI: 10.3103/s014587522306011x
D. A. Marunova , N. V. Pronina , A. G. Kalmykov , D. A. Ivanova , G. G. Savostin , A. P. Vaitechovich , G. A. Kalmykov


The results of the studies of organic matter in the rocks of the Bazhenov Formation in the territory of the Frolov oil and gas region of the West Siberian basin are presented. The maceral composition of the sediments is represented by bituminite and alginite, redeposited vitrinite, as well as bioclasts: onychites and calcespheres organic matter. The investigation was focused on bioclasts. Their coal petrographic characteristics and change in the process of catagenesis are described; qualitative parameters to access the degree of bioclast maturity are established; as well, an initial formula for converting the onychite reflectance to the equivalent of vitrinite reflectance is proposed.




