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A study on governance method of casing shear deformation in shale gas well
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s12206-024-0111-3
Qinglong Lei , Chenyang Chen , Sen Liu , Xiaohua Zhu

Casing deformation occurs frequently in shale gas wells, resulting in the failure of some fracturing stages to complete normal operations, which seriously affects shale gas production. This paper firstly analyzes the casing deformation mechanism of shale gas wells and determines that the casing shear deformation caused by formation slip is the main factor of casing deformation. In order to solve the problem of casing shear deformation, a finite element numerical model including the formation, cement ring, and the casing is established. The casing shear deformation caused by formation slip is simulated, and the deformation results obtained are consistent with those measured in the actual wellbore. Based on the numerical model, a casing deformation governance method is proposed to optimize the wellbore trajectory and adjust the cement ring properties. It is calculated that reducing the dip angle α of the formation and casing vertical direction and reducing the formation slip is beneficial to reducing casing deformation. The use of low elastic modulus cement and uncementing operations can provide a buffer space for formation slip, effectively reduce casing deformation, and provide an effective treatment method for shear deformation of shale gas wells.



