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The Foster method: rapid and non-invasive detection of clinically significant American Foulbrood disease levels using eDNA sampling and a dual-target qPCR assay, with its potential for other hive pathogens
Journal of Apicultural Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2024.2306445
John F. Mackay 1 , Rebecca E. Hewett 1 , Noa T. Smith 1 , Tammy L. Waters 1 , John S. Scandrett 2

Clinical signs of American Foulbrood (AFB) can be difficult to diagnose and thus disease is often missed and leads to further spread. Diagnosis is centred on the beekeeper’s skill in recognising cl...


Foster 方法:使用 eDNA 采样和双靶 qPCR 检测快速、无创地检测具有临床意义的美洲臭虫病水平,并具有对其他蜂巢病原体的潜力

美国腐臭病 (AFB) 的临床症状很难诊断,因此经常会漏诊疾病并导致进一步传播。诊断的重点是养蜂人识别疾病的技能...