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Modelling transient thermal processes in the lithosphere: application to the NW Pannonian basin
Solid Earth ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-08 , DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-2024-308
Eszter Békési , Jan-Diederik van Wees , Kristóf Porkoláb , Mátyás Hencz , Márta Berkesi

Abstract. The reconstruction of thermal evolution in sedimentary basins is a key input for constraining geodynamic processes and geo-energy resource potential. We present a methodology to reproduce the most important transient thermal footprints accompanying basin formation: lithosphere extension and sedimentation. The forward model is extended with data assimilation to constrain models with temperature measurements. We apply the methodology to the NW part of Hungary. Realistic past- and present-day temperature predictions for the entire lithosphere are achieved, suggesting the relatively uniform, but strong attenuation of the mantle lithosphere through extension, and relatively small variations in the present-day thermal lithosphere thickness. The new temperature model allows an improved estimation of lithosphere rheology and the interpretation of mantle xenolith origins.


