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Transforming Engineering Education in Learning Ecosystems for Resilient Engineers
IEEE Transactions on Education ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-18 , DOI: 10.1109/te.2023.3303364
Renate G. Klaassen 1 , Hans Hellendoorn 2 , Linette Bossen 3

TU Delft education system is transformed on three levels: 1) new courses and projects in existing B.Sc. and M.Sc. programs for multidisciplinary and reflective learning; 2) new M.Sc. programs focusing on multi and interdisciplinarity, personal development, and professional skills; and 3) central Interdisciplinary Projects for Master Students from different programs. With these steps, the university offers students a learning ecosystem where identity-building can occur, fosters interdisciplinary teamwork, and strong interaction with the professional world and government is necessary to finish projects. In this article, the ecosystem will be explained, and results will be shared of surveys among students who experienced learning in the learning ecosystem. The surveys show that students understand their future role in the community as engineers, feel that they have acquired new skills, feel better about framing complex problems, and are more competent to work in the industry.



代尔夫特理工大学的教育体系在三个层面上进行了转变:1)现有理学学士学位的新课程和项目。和硕士学位多学科和反思性学习计划; 2)新的硕士学位侧重于多学科和跨学科、个人发展和专业技能的课程; 3)针对不同项目的硕士生的中央跨学科项目。通过这些步骤,大学为学生提供了一个可以进行身份​​建设的学习生态系统,促进跨学科团队合作,并与专业界和政府进行强有力的互动,这是完成项目所必需的。在本文中,我们将解释该生态系统,并分享在学习生态系统中体验过学习的学生之间的调查结果。调查显示,学生了解自己未来作为工程师在社区中的角色,觉得自己已经获得了新技能,对解决复杂问题感觉更好,并且更有能力在该行业工作。