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El proceso constituyente en Islandia: Un caso de éxito sin final feliz
International Journal of Constitutional Law ( IF 1.419 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-09 , DOI: 10.1093/icon/moad083
Rafael Rubio Núñez

The drafting of the new constitution in Iceland has been the subject of numerous studies. Most of them highlight the success of the initiative, pointing to the set of innovative mechanisms incorporated into the process. However, we cannot ignore that the process did not achieve its goal of changing the Constitution. The reasons, which can serve as lessons for other processes of this nature, can be found in the initiation of the project during a deep crisis; the lack of clear objectives; the absence of a clear definition of tasks; the confusion between participation and deliberation, which generated some expectation confusion and progressive disillusionment, and the gap between the mobilized society and public representatives.