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Impact of single-trial avoidance learning on subsequent sleep
European Journal of Neroscience ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-11 , DOI: 10.1111/ejn.16274
Qianwen Zhang 1 , Fujun Chen 1

Both non-rapid eye movement (NonREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, as well as sleep spindle and ripple oscillations, are important for memory formation. Through cortical EEG recordings of prefrontal cortex and hippocampus during and after an inhibitory avoidance task, we analysed the dynamic changes in the amounts of sleep, spindle and ripple oscillations related to memory formation. The total amount of NonREM sleep was reduced during the first hour after learning. Moreover, significant decrease of the total spindle and ripple counts was observed at the first hour after learning as well. In addition, foot shock alone, with no associated learning, produced little effect on the dynamics of sleep oscillations, indicating that the learning experience is necessary for these changes to occur.



非快速眼动 (NonREM) 睡眠和快速眼动 (REM) 睡眠以及睡眠纺锤波和波纹振荡对于记忆形成都很重要。通过抑制性回避任务期间和之后前额叶皮层和海马体的皮质脑电图记录,我们分析了与记忆形成相关的睡眠量、纺锤波和波纹振荡的动态变化。学习后第一个小时内非快速眼动睡眠总量减少。此外,在学习后的第一个小时也观察到总主轴和波纹计数显着减少。此外,单独的足部电击,没有相关的学习,对睡眠振荡的动态影响很小,这表明学习经历对于这些变化的发生是必要的。