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Notes on Contributors
Early American Literature Pub Date : 2024-02-12 , DOI: 10.1353/eal.2024.a918934

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  • Notes on Contributors

ben bascom is an assistant professor of English at Ball State University, where he teaches American literature and queer studies. His forthcoming book, Feeling Singular: Queer Masculinities in the Early United States (Oxford UP), depicts a queer and messy world of social outcasts and eccentric personalities all striving for public attention.

michael boyden is a professor of English at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He is the author of Climate and the Picturesque in the American Tropics (Oxford UP, 2022). He has also edited a collected volume titled Climate and American Literature (Cambridge UP, 2020) and a special issue of Early American Literature titled "New Natural History" (2019).

anna brickhouse teaches English and American studies at the University of Virginia. She is currently completing a book titled "Elsewhere Catastrophe: Earthquake and the Invention of America."

ryan carr is a Lecturer-in-Discipline in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, where he teaches classes in Indigenous studies and early American literature and in the Core Curriculum. His first book, a study of the Mohegan-Brothertown minister Samson Occom, is due out with Columbia University Press in early 2024.

vin carretta is professor emeritus of English at the University of Maryland. His recent publications include The Life and Letters of Philip Quaque, the First African Anglican Missionary (U of Georgia P, 2010), coedited with Ty M. Reese; an edition of Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, an African (Broadview P, 2015); Equiano, the African: Biography of a Self-Made Man (U of Georgia P, 2005; rev. ed. 2022); Olaudah Equiano: The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings (Penguin, 1995; rev. eds. 2003, 2020); an edition of The Writings of Phillis Wheatley Peters (Penguin, 2019; rev. ed. 2023); and Phillis Wheatley Peters: Biography of a Genius in Bondage (U of Georgia P, 2011, rev. eds. 2014, 2023).

jeannine delombard is a professor of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she is affiliated faculty in the History Department. She specializes in African American and pre-1900 American literature, with a particular interest in the intersections of slavery, law, and culture. She is the author of In the Shadow of the Gallows: Race, Crime, and American Civic Identity (U of Pennsylvania P, 2012) and Slavery on Trial: Law, Abolitionism, and Print Culture (U of North Carolina P, 2007). She is currently completing the first of a pair of book projects that examine the democratization of dignity in nineteenth-century US law and literature.

patrick m. erben is professor of English at the University of West Georgia and the author of A Harmony of the Spirits: Translation and the Language of Community in Early Pennsylvania (Omohundro Institute and U of North Carolina P, 2012) as well as The Francis Daniel Pastorius Reader: Writings by an Early American Polymath (Pennsylvania State UP, 2019). With coeditor Rebecca Harrison, Patrick is completing the collection Scripting the Past in the Present: Early America and Contemporary Culture. His future book projects include "The German Pietist Origins of American Literature" and a linguistic biography of Conrad Weiser. Pat-rick is also interested in issues of shared governance and academic freedom in higher education.

ian finseth is a professor of English at the University of North Texas. He specializes in American and African American literature of the long nineteenth century, with particular interests in the slave narrative, Civil War studies, and the environmental humanities. In addition to numerous essays, he is the author of The Civil War Dead and American Modernity (Oxford UP, 2018) and Shades of Green: Visions of Nature in the Literature of American Slavery, 1770–1860 (U of Georgia P, 2009). He has also edited or coedited several books, including The American Civil War: A Literary and Historical Anthology (Routledge, 2013) and Journeys of the Slave Narrative in the Early Americas (U of Virginia P, 2014).

jenny marie forsythe is an assistant professor of English at Western Washington University. She researches histories and cultures of translation in early American contexts.

theresa strouth gaul is a professor of English and director of the Core Curriculum at Texas Christian University. Her research focuses on nineteenth-century US women's writing, Native and Indigenous...




  • 贡献者注释


迈克尔·博伊登是荷兰奈梅亨拉德堡德大学的英语教授。他是《美国热带地区的气候和风景如画》 (牛津大学出版社,2022 年)一书的作者。他还编辑了题为《气候与美国文学》的文集(剑桥大学,2020年)和题为《新自然史》的早期美国文学特刊(2019年)。


瑞安·卡尔 (ryan carr)是哥伦比亚大学英语和比较文学系的学科讲师,教授土著研究、早期美国文学以及核心课程。他的第一本书是对 Mohegan-Brothertown 牧师 Samson Occom 的研究,将于 2024 年初由哥伦比亚大学出版社出版。

文·卡雷塔 (vin carretta)是马里兰大学英语名誉教授。他最近的出版物包括与 Ty M. Reese 合编的《The Life and Letters of Philip Quaque, the First Africa Anglican Missionary》(U of Georgia P,2010 年);已故非洲人伊格内修斯·桑乔的书信版本(Broadview P,2015);Equiano,非洲人:一个白手起家的人的传记(乔治亚大学 P,2005 年;2022 年修订版);Olaudah Equiano:有趣的叙事和其他著作(企鹅出版社,1995 年;修订版。2003 年、2020 年);菲利斯·惠特利·彼得斯 ( Phillis Wheatley Peters) 的著作的一版(企鹅出版社,2019 年;修订版。2023 年);和菲利斯·惠特利·彼得斯:束缚中天才的传记(佐治亚大学 P,2011 年,修订版。2014 年,2023 年)。

珍妮·德隆巴德 (Jeannine Delombard)是加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的英语教授,也是该校历史系的附属教员。她专门研究非裔美国人和 1900 年前的美国文学,对奴隶制、法律和文化的交叉点特别感兴趣。她是《绞刑架的阴影:种族、犯罪和美国公民身份》(宾夕法尼亚大学出版社,2012 年)和《审判中的奴隶制:法律、废奴主义和印刷文化》(北卡罗来纳大学出版社,2007 年)的作者。她目前正在完成两本书项目中的第一本,这些项目研究了十九世纪美国法律和文学中尊严的民主化。

帕特里克·M.埃尔本是西乔治亚大学英语教授,着有《精神的和谐:早期宾夕法尼亚州的翻译和社区语言》(奥莫亨德罗研究所和北卡罗来纳大学 P,2012 年)以及《弗朗西斯·丹尼尔·帕斯托里斯读本》 :一位早期美国博学者的著作(宾夕法尼亚州立大学,2019 年)。帕特里克正在与合编丽贝卡·哈里森 (Rebecca Harrison) 合作完成《在当下书写过去:早期美国与当代文化》合集。他未来的书籍项目包括《美国文学的德国虔信派起源》和康拉德·韦瑟的语言传记。帕特里克还对高等教育中的共同治理和学术自由问题感兴趣。

伊恩·芬塞斯是北德克萨斯大学的英语教授。他专门研究十九世纪的美国和非裔美国文学,尤其对奴隶叙事、内战研究和环境人文学科感兴趣。除了发表大量论文外,他还是《内战死者与美国现代性》(牛津大学出版社,2018 年)和《绿色阴影:美国奴隶制文学中的自然视野,1770-1860 年》(佐治亚大学出版社,2009 年)的作者。 。他还编辑或合编了多本书,包括《美国内战:文学和历史选集》(Routledge,2013)和《早期美洲奴隶叙事之旅》(U of Virginia P,2014)。


特里萨·斯特劳斯·高尔 (Theresa Stroth Gaul)是德克萨斯基督教大学英语教授兼核心课程主任。她的研究重点是十九世纪美国女性写作、本土和土著......
