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Promoting healthy screen use in children with externalizing behavior
Child Development Perspectives ( IF 6.160 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-08 , DOI: 10.1111/cdep.12500
Shayl F. Griffith 1 , Daniel M. Bagner 2 , Katie C. Hart 2

The sharp rise over the past decade in young children's access to various forms of screen media (e.g., smartphones, tablets, TVs) has posed new and significant challenges to caregivers in managing children's use of this type of media. For caregivers of young children with externalizing behavior problems, managing children's time with screen media is especially important and challenging. In this article, we summarize evidence of bidirectional links between early externalizing behavior problems and unhealthy screen media use in young children and discuss the extent to which prior interventions have responded to the needs of caregivers of children with these problems. We propose a conceptual model for an intervention to promote healthy screen media use for children with externalizing behavior problems that leverages current behavioral parenting interventions.


