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Structural integrity of a submersible sea cage exposed to extreme oceanographic conditions
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-08 , DOI: 10.1111/jwas.13052
Jesús López 1 , Carlos Felipe Hurtado 1 , Jean Pierre Toledo 1 , Gonzalo Suazo 2 , Víctor Zamora 1 , Dante Queirolo 1 , Alfonso Gutiérrez 3

This study focuses on the structural integrity analyses of a submersible cage with dimensions of 20 m in diameter and 10 m depth under extreme oceanographic conditions, including current speed of 0.5 and 1 m/s, combined with waves ranging from 2 to 5 m in height and a period of 7 s. Employing a dynamic simulation model based on finite elements, The study examines the stresses in the cage´s pipes, as well as the tension in the bridle lines and mooring lines. Results indicate that submerging the cage leads to a reduction in peak tensions, with mooring lines experiencing a decrease of up to 32% and bridle lines experiencing a decrease of up to 59%. Furthermore, the stresses in the pipes exhibit a significant decline of up to 71.4%. These findings demonstrate that the submersible cage, when submerged, significantly reduces peak stresses, thereby decreasing the risk of structural loss or damage when the system is submerged.



本研究重点对直径为 20 m、深度为 10 m 的潜水笼在极端海洋条件下(包括 0.5 和 1 m/s 的流速,结合高度为 2 至 5 m 的波浪)进行结构完整性分析且周期为 7 s。该研究采用基于有限元的动态仿真模型,检查了笼式管道中的应力以及系绳和系泊绳中的张力。结果表明,将笼子浸入水中会导致峰值张力降低,系泊线张力降低高达 32%,缰绳张力降低高达 59%。此外,管道中的应力显着下降,高达 71.4%。这些发现表明,潜水笼在浸没时可显着降低峰值应力,从而降低系统浸没时结构损失或损坏的风险。