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Correction: Impact of biochar and compost amendment on corn yield and greenhouse gas emissions under waterlogged conditions
Applied Biological Chemistry ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-13 , DOI: 10.1186/s13765-024-00868-9
Han-Na Cho , Minji Shin , Ikhyeong Lee , Haeun Ryoo , Bharat Sharma Acharya , Jae-Hyuk Park , Yong Hwa Cheong , Ju-Sik Cho , Se-Won Kang

Correction: Applied Biological Chemistry (2023) 66:87 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13765-023-00845-8

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors would like to correct the errors occurred in Fig. 1, Table 1, Materials and Methods, and Results section.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Mean air temperature (a) and total precipitation (b) during corn’s season

Full size image

The corrected sentences and the correct version of Fig. 1 and Table 1 are given below.

The original article [1] has been corrected.

Monitoring of CO2 and N2O fluxes

The CO2 and N2O fluxes (mg m−2 h−1) were monitored through a static chamber with 0.07 m2 area and 0.02 m3 volume. The chamber was placed between corn plants to a soil depth of 20 cm. Gas sampling was performed between 9 and 10 a.m. every 7 days and samples were collected at 0, 20, and 40 min after chamber closure, using a 10 mL gas tight syringe. The measurements of CO2 and N2O were simultaneously analyzed on a gas chromatograph (8892 GC System, Agilent, USA) with a flame ionization detector (FID) and an electron capture detector (ECD), respectively. Fluxes of CO2 and N2O were calculated using the following equation [29]:

Growth characteristics of plant and corn

Tables 3 and 4 show distinct growth and yield characteristics of corn contingent upon treatment types measured after harvest, respectively. The CP treatment emerged as the most efficacious, consistently exhibiting superior corn growth metrics. Cn registered an average plant height of 184 cm, CP 176 cm, RB 142 cm, and WB 154 cm. CP treatment demonstrated enhanced stem and leaf weights, and corn productivity relative to other treatments. Corn productivity was highest at CP treatment (25.2 t 10 a−1), followed by Cn (22.4 t 10 a−1), and the RB (11.5 t 10 a−1) and WB treatments (13.6 t 10 a−1), respectively. CP treatment manifested a pronounced enhancement in corn biomass, exceeding biomass of Cn treatment by 12.6, RB treatment by 120, and WB treatment by 86%, respectively.

The total weight of corn increased in the order: CP (237 g) > Cn (191 g) > WB (107 g) > RB (79 g). Similarly, corn yield increased in the order: CP (157 g) > Cn (119 g) > WB (71 g) > RB (53 g). Notably, there was a negligible disparity between the RB and WB treatments in straw yield, grain yield, grain index and corn productivity but both were distinctively lower than CP treatment. CP treatment registered a peak grain yield at 120 g and corn productivity at 2.51 t 10 a−1.

Table 1 Soil properties of the experimental soil used in the study
Full size table
  1. Cho H-N, Shin M, Lee I, Ryoo H, Acharya BS, Park J-H, Cheong YH, Cho J-S, Kang S-W (2023) Impact of biochar and compost amendment on corn yield and greenhouse gas emissions under waterlogged conditions. Appl Biol Chem 66:87. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13765-023-00845-8

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Sunchon National University, Suncheon, 57922, Republic of Korea

    Han-Na Cho, Jae-Hyuk Park, Yong Hwa Cheong, Ju-Sik Cho & Se-Won Kang

  2. Department of Bio-envrionmental Sciences, Sunchon National University, Suncheon, 57922, Republic of Korea

    Minji Shin, Ikhyeong Lee & Haeun Ryoo

  3. Rodale Institute, Southeast Organic Center, Chattahoochee Hills, GA, 30268, USA

    Bharat Sharma Acharya

  4. Department of Agricultural Life Sciences, Sunchon National University, Suncheon, 57922, Republic of Korea

    Yong Hwa Cheong, Ju-Sik Cho & Se-Won Kang

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  2. Minji ShinView author publications

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  3. Ikhyeong LeeView author publications

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  4. Haeun RyooView author publications

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  5. Bharat Sharma AcharyaView author publications

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  6. Jae-Hyuk ParkView author publications

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  7. Yong Hwa CheongView author publications

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  8. Ju-Sik ChoView author publications

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  9. Se-Won KangView author publications

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Correspondence to Se-Won Kang.

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Cho, HN., Shin, M., Lee, I. et al. Correction: Impact of biochar and compost amendment on corn yield and greenhouse gas emissions under waterlogged conditions. Appl Biol Chem 67, 14 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13765-024-00868-9

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13765-024-00868-9

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更正:应用生物化学(2023)66:87 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13765-023-00845-8

原文章 [1] 发表后,作者希望纠正图 1、表 1、材料和方法以及结果部分中出现的错误。


玉米季节平均气温 ( a ) 和总降水量 ( b )




CO 2和 N 2 O 通量监测

通过面积为0.07 m 2、体积为0.02 m 3 的静态室监测CO 2和N 2 O通量(mg m -2  h -1 ) 。该室放置在玉米植株之间,土壤深度为 20 厘米。每 7 天上午 9 点至 10 点进行一次气体取样,并使用 10 mL 气密注射器在室关闭后 0、20 和 40 分钟收集样本。 CO 2和N 2 O的测量结果在气相色谱仪(8892 GC 系统,安捷伦,美国)上同时分析,分别配有氢火焰离子化检测器(FID)和电子捕获检测器(ECD)。 CO 2和 N 2 O 的通量使用以下公式计算[29]:


表 3 和表 4 分别显示了玉米不同的生长和产量特征,具体取决于收获后测量的处理类型。 CP 处理成为最有效的,始终表现出优异的玉米生长指标。 Cn的平均株高为184厘米,CP为176厘米,RB为142厘米,WB为154厘米。与其他处理相比,CP 处理显示出茎叶重量以及玉米生产力的提高。 CP处理时玉米生产力最高(25.2 t 10 a -1),其次是Cn(22.4 t 10 a -1)、RB(11.5 t 10 a -1)和WB处理(13.6 t 10 a -1) , 分别。 CP处理的玉米生物量显着增加,分别比Cn处理高12.6%、RB处理高120%、WB处理高86%。

玉米总重量增加的顺序为:CP(237克)>Cn(191克)>WB(107克)>RB(79克)。同样,玉米产量增加的顺序为:CP (157 g) > Cn (119 g) > WB (71 g) > RB (53 g)。值得注意的是,RB 和 WB 处理在秸秆产量、谷物产量、谷物指数和玉米生产力方面的差异可以忽略不计,但均明显低于 CP 处理。 CP处理的峰值谷物产量为120克,玉米生产率为2.51t 10 a -1

表1 研究所用试验土壤的土壤性质
  1. Cho HN, Shin M, Lee I, Ryoo H, Acharya BS, Park JH, Cheong YH, Cho JS, Kang SW (2023) 生物炭和堆肥改良剂对淹水条件下玉米产量和温室气体排放的影响。应用生物化学66:87。 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13765-023-00845-8

    文章 CAS 谷歌学术



  1. 顺天国立大学农业化学系,顺天市,57922,韩国

    Han-Na Cho、Jae-Hyuk Park、Yong Hwa Cheong、Ju-Sik Cho 和 Se-Won Kang

  2. 顺天国立大学生物环境科学系,顺天市,57922,韩国


  3. 罗代尔研究所,东南有机中心,查塔胡奇山,佐治亚州,30268,美国


  4. 国立顺天大学农业生命科学系,顺天市,57922,大韩民国


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Cho, HN.、Shin, M.、Lee, I.等人。修正:生物炭和堆肥改良剂对淹水条件下玉米产量和温室气体排放的影响。应用生物化学 67 , 14 (2024)。 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13765-024-00868-9


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