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Magnetic Order Induced by the Cooperation of Valence and Structural Instabilities in Eu1−xCaxCo2P2
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-13 , DOI: 10.7566/jpsj.93.033702
Kodai Moriyama 1, 2 , Kohei Yoshinaga 1 , Ryoichiro Matsui 1 , Chishiro Michioka 1 , Hiroaki Ueda 1 , Kazuyoshi Yoshimura 1, 3

Magnetism of layered compound Eu1−xCaxCo2P2 was investigated by means of magnetization, specific heat, and electrical resistivity measurements. It is found that Eu undergoes a phase transition from a divalent state to a mixed-valence state of Eu2+δ and Eu(3−δ′)+ simultaneously with a structural transition from the uncollapsed tetragonal (ucT) phase to the collapsed tetragonal (cT) phase near x = 0.5. Whereas the compounds with the ucT structure exhibit antiferromagnetic ordering of Eu2+ moments, those with the cT structure exhibit additional magnetic ordering of Co moments. The ordering temperature of Co moments is much higher than those in other ACo2P2 systems with a divalent A cation. These results suggest that an electron-doping effect on Co 3d bands owing to the Eu valence transition stabilizes the magnetic ordering of Co moments.