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Study of a regenerative cooling system while using heat-conductive metal nanoparticle suspension in n-decane
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-13 , DOI: 10.1134/s0869864323050104
K. Yu. Arefiev , A. M. Saveliev , A. V. Voronetskii , S. V. Kruchkov

The paper presents the calculation estimates for efficiency of regenerative cooling for a model cylinder-shaped flow duct using a suspension of heat-conductive metal nanoparticles in n-decane as fuel/coolant. We adapted a standard mathematical model of conjugated heat transfer that accounts for thermophysical properties of the metal nanoparticle suspension and n-decane. The data are presented for heating up the nanosuspension and the model duct walls for the cases of different content of metal nanoparticles in nanosuspension. There exists a range beneficial for heat transfer from n-decane.
