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Investigation of γ-photon sources using near-critical density targets towards the optimization of the linear Breit–Wheeler process
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-06 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6587/ad20f7
Iuliana-Mariana Vladisavlevici , Xavier Ribeyre , Daniel Vizman , Emmanuel d’Humières

In this paper we analyze the production of high energy synchrotron gamma photons in laser-plasma interaction for a laser intensity in 1022 51023Wcm2 and a near-critical density target using two dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. In the optimum configuration to maximize the conversion efficiency of the laser energy to γ-photons, we studied the production of electron–positron pairs by the linear Breit–Wheeler process in the collision of two identical γ-photon beams using a dedicated photon-photon collision simulation code. A maximum laser energy conversion coefficient of 33% in high energy photons was obtained and a photon beam intensity, with energies above 1MeV , of 21020Wcm2 at 150μm distance from the initial position of the target (for the highest laser intensity considered). We show that the optimum case to detect the linear Breit–Wheeler pairs corresponds to a laser intensity of 1023Wcm2 . Our results can be used for the preparation of experimental campaigns for the detection of linear Breit–Wheeler pairs at the Apollon and ELI laser facilities.