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Controllable step-flow growth of GaN on patterned freestanding substrate
Journal of Semiconductors Pub Date : 2024-02-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/45/2/022501
Peng Wu , Jianping Liu , Lei Hu , Xiaoyu Ren , Aiqin Tian , Wei Zhou , Fan Zhang , Xuan Li , Masao Ikeda , Hui Yang

A new kind of step-flow growth mode is proposed, which adopts sidewall as step source on patterned GaN substrate. The terrace width of steps originated from the sidewall was found to change with the growth temperature and ammonia flux. The growth mechanism is explained and simulated based on step motion model. This work helps better understand the behaviors of step advancement and puts forward a method of precisely modulating atomic steps.