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South Atlantic Convergence Zone as Rossby wave source
Theoretical and Applied Climatology ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s00704-024-04877-y
Hugo A. Braga , Tercio Ambrizzi , Nicholas M. J. Hall

We investigate the possibility for the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) to act as a Rossby wave source for global scale teleconnections. A simple heating perturbation is applied to numerical simulations using a baroclinic model with differing basic states. Sixteen days after the perturbation is applied, wave propagation is diagnosed within the subtropical latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere for the basic states corresponding to El Niño and neutral years, which have normal and strong westerly flow in the upper troposphere over the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. For La Niña basic states, there is very little propagation over the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean because the westerly flow is weak, confining Rossby waves to the Southern Hemisphere. We conclude that the SACZ may act as interhemispheric Rossby wave source, providing the tropical westerly flow is strong enough to permit wave propagation across the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean.



我们研究了南大西洋辐合区(SACZ)作为全球规模遥相关的罗斯贝波源的可能性。使用具有不同基本状态的斜压模型将简单的加热扰动应用于数值模拟。施加扰动16天后,在北半球副热带纬度范围内诊断出厄尔尼诺年和中性年对应基本状态的波浪传播,这些年份在赤道大西洋上空对流层上层有正常且强烈的西风气流。对于拉尼娜基本状态,由于西风气流较弱,将罗斯贝波限制在南半球,因此在赤道大西洋上的传播非常少。我们得出的结论是,只要热带西风气流足够强大,允许波传播穿过赤道大西洋,SACZ 就可能充当半球间罗斯贝波源。
