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Exploring Factors Affecting Students' Deep Approach to Learning in Higher Education: An Empirical Study
Journal of College Student Development ( IF 2.051 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-15 , DOI: 10.1353/csd.2024.a919352
Hui Yang , Xixi Zhang


Survey responses from 858 undergraduates were examined to determine the key factors affecting students' deep approach to learning at two public institutions. Principal component analysis was adopted to eliminate multicollinearity among factors and extract the key influencing factors. A robust multiple linear regression model was built to explore the collective and individual impacts of the key factors on students' deep approach to learning. Data analysis revealed that institutions should put emphasis on 13 key factors that had significant positive influences on students' deep approach to learning, with the strongest impact (β = 0.695, p < .001) coming from educational goals emphasizing synthesizing, analyzing, evaluating information or experience, and problem-solving; and the weakest impact (β = 0.014, p < .001) related to discipline.




对 858 名本科生的调查问卷进行了审查,以确定影响学生在两所公立机构深度学习的关键因素。采用主成分分析消除因素间的多重共线性,提取关键影响因素。建立了稳健的多元线性回归模型,以探索关键因素对学生深度学习方法的集体和个人影响。数据分析显示,机构应重点关注对学生深度学习有显着积极影响的 13 个关键因素,其中影响最大的因素(β = 0.695,p < .001)来自强调综合、分析、评估信息的教育目标或经验以及解决问题的能力;最弱的影响(β = 0.014,p < .001)与纪律有关。
