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Expert endoscopist assessment of colorectal polyp size using virtual scale endoscopy, visual or snare-based estimation: a prospective video-based study
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-09 , DOI: 10.1080/00365521.2024.2308519
Ioana Popescu Crainic 1 , Roupen Djinbachian 1, 2 , Douglas K. Rex 3 , Alan Barkun 4 , Aasma Shaukat 5 , James East 6, 7 , Cesare Hassan 8 , Yuichi Mori 9 , Heiko Pohl 10, 11 , Amit Rastogi 12 , Prateek Sharma 12, 13 , Joseph C. Anderson 10 , Mahsa Taghiakbari 1 , Edgard Medawar 1 , Daniel von Renteln 1, 2

Accurate polyp size estimation during colonoscopy has an impact on clinical decision-making. A laser-based virtual scale endoscope (VSE) is available to allow measuring polyp size using a virtual a...



结肠镜检查期间准确估计息肉大小对临床决策有影响。基于激光的虚拟比例内窥镜 (VSE) 可使用虚拟...