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Revolutionizing collaborative auditing: A dynamic blockchain-based cloud storage framework for data updates and assurance
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-18 , DOI: 10.3233/jifs-237474
Ansar Isak Sheikh 1 , M. Sadish Sendil 2 , P. Sridhar 3 , M.I. Thariq Hussan 4 , Shafiqul Abidin 5 , Ravi Kumar 6 , Reyazur Rashid Irshad 7 , Elangovan Muniyandy 8, 9 , Solleti Phani Kumar 10

Effective data management has arisen as a major concern in today’s era of ubiquitous data generation from a plethora of intelligent gadgets. While data proliferation promises unparalleled benefits, it imposes significant storage and computing constraints, particularly on end-users with limited capabilities. To solve these difficulties, this article investigates the confluence of cloud storage, blockchain technology, public auditing, reputation systems, and dynamic auditing. Because of their low-cost data storage and processing capabilities, cloud computing services have grown in popularity, leading customers to embrace data outsourcing to reduce local administrative overhead. This study digs into a novel paradigm for ensuring the integrity and security of data stored in cloud environments using blockchain technology. Integrating public auditing systems enables visible and verifiable data audits, ensuring consumers of data trustworthiness. A reputation system is also included to build trust among cloud service providers and users, improving the overall trustworthiness of the ecosystem. The suggested system also includes dynamic auditing, which allows for real-time changes and data verification, reacting to the changing nature of cloud-stored information. This study provides a thorough examination of the architectural components, techniques, and protocols used in this novel approach. We illustrate the feasibility and usefulness of our approach in ensuring data integrity, security, and reliability in cloud storage systems through empirical analysis and case studies. The findings show the potential benefits of this integrated strategy to solving the issues posed by the modern digital landscape’s tremendous proliferation of data. Through the synergistic integration of cloud storage, blockchain technology, public auditing, reputation systems, and dynamic auditing, this research provides a holistic solution for managing data in the cloud while ensuring data integrity, security, and trust. This comprehensive strategy lays the way for a more robust and dependable cloud data management ecosystem, increasing user trust in cloud-based services.


