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Black voices in cancer research and oncology
Nature Reviews Cancer ( IF 78.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-19 , DOI: 10.1038/s41568-023-00662-7
Kilan C. Ashad-Bishop , Onyinye D. Balogun , Runcie C. W. Chidebe , Leah M. Cook , Christina Towers

Over the past few years, there has been an increasing realization that we need a more equal, diverse and inclusive culture for truly successful cancer research to happen. Moreover, that research itself must be relevant to and engage a diverse patient population to achieve effective cancer care. Now is the time for action, so how do we attract and retain more diverse researchers to the cancer community, and how do we begin to close the gap in cancer disparities. We asked five Black cancer researchers and clinicians to present their ideas for bringing about positive change. In this Viewpoint article, we asked five Black cancer researchers and clinicians to present their ideas on how we can attract and retain more diverse researchers to the cancer community and how we begin to close the gap in cancer disparities.


