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Data Management Challenges in Blockchain-Based Applications
IEEE Internet Computing ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-16 , DOI: 10.1109/mic.2023.3319152
Stanly Wilson 1 , Kwabena Adu-Duodu 1 , Yinhao Li 1 , Ellis Solaiman 1 , Omer Rana 2 , Schahram Dustdar 3 , Rajiv Ranjan 1

Effective data management is crucial to ensure the security, integrity, and efficiency of blockchain systems. This study proposes a detailed data management taxonomy specifically designed for blockchain technology. The taxonomy provides a structured framework to categorize and address various aspects of data management in blockchain networks. It covers essential aspects, such as data flow, data storage, access control, and querying. It provides a systematic approach to understanding and addressing the unique challenges associated with managing data in blockchain systems. The framework enables informed decision making, promotes effective strategies, and helps to leverage the full potential of blockchain technology.


