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„So muß Loki gelacht haben“: Zum Einfluss nordischer Mythologie auf Arno Schmidts Juvenilia
European Journal of Scandinavian Studies Pub Date : 2024-02-19 , DOI: 10.1515/ejss-2023-2017
Nikolas Buck 1

Arno Schmidt is one of the most thoroughly researched German post-war authors. However, there is a significant gap with regard to his stationing in Øverås, Norway, as part of the German occupation troops during the Second World War. This applies not only to Schmidt’s experiences in Norway, but also to the influence of this period on his literary work. Accordingly, I will pursue the question of how Schmidt used his ’Norwegian years’ in his literary work. In particular, I will consider the influence of Nordic mythology on the group of the so-called “Juvenilia”, four of which originated in Norway.