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A Case Study of Tunnel Reinforcement Measure during Traffic Upgrading in Chongqing City, China
Mathematical Problems in Engineering ( IF 1.430 ) Pub Date : 2024-2-20 , DOI: 10.1155/2024/5533105
Zhiwei Cai 1, 2 , Tongqing Wu 3, 4 , Hao Zhang 1 , Jie Liu 1 , Zhao Xiang 5 , Ying Tao 1 , Xingfa Feng 1

Because the urban tunnel is an essential knot of urban traffic and an easy blocking point in busy hours, upgrading the urban tunnel was necessary for the city after the tunnel being in service for a long time. However, to demolish the existing tunnel, some problems may be encountered, and these problems include occurrence of longitudinal cracks at the tunnel vault, increase of load due to infrastructure construction over the tunnel, unloading due to excavation of the rock over the tunnel, and uneven load due to asymmetric excavation or construction. To reinforce a cracked tunnel in Chongqing City, China, steel arches were installed to improve its bearing capacity, but some steel arches failed during the excavation of ground over the tunnel. Therefore, the scheme of “steel arch + shotcrete + tube column + transversal horizontal bracing” (hereinafter referred to as SASTCT) was proposed to ensure tunnel safety due to unloading and uneven load during the subsequent construction procedures. Numerical analysis indicated that the SASTCT measure can ensure the safety of the traffic and subsequent construction, which can provide some suggestions for similar tunnel upgrades in the future.