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The Dirac equation across the horizons of the 5D Myers–Perry geometry: separation of variables, radial asymptotic behaviour and Hamiltonian formalism
General Relativity and Gravitation ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10714-024-03203-1
Qiu Shi Wang

We analytically extend the 5D Myers–Perry metric through the event and Cauchy horizons by defining Eddington–Finkelstein-type coordinates. Then, we use the orthonormal frame formalism to formulate and perform separation of variables on the massive Dirac equation, and analyse the asymptotic behaviour at the horizons and at infinity of the solutions to the radial ordinary differential equation (ODE) thus obtained. Using the essential self-adjointness result of Finster–Röken and Stone’s formula, we obtain an integral spectral representation of the Dirac propagator for spinors with low masses and suitably bounded frequency spectra in terms of resolvents of the Dirac Hamiltonian, which can in turn be expressed in terms of Green’s functions of the radial ODE.


跨越 5D Myers-Perry 几何视野的狄拉克方程:变量分离、径向渐近行为和哈密顿形式主义

我们通过定义爱丁顿-芬克尔斯坦型坐标,分析性地将 5D 迈尔斯-佩里度量扩展到事件和柯西视界。然后,我们使用正交框架形式对大规模狄拉克方程进行公式化和变量分离,并分析由此获得的径向常微分方程(ODE)的解在视界和无穷远处的渐近行为。利用 Finster–Röken 和 Stone 公式的本质自伴性结果,我们获得了低质量旋量的狄拉克传播子的积分谱表示,以及根据狄拉克哈密顿量的解算子的适当有界频谱,这又可以表示为就径向 ODE 的格林函数而言。
