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Construction and Application of Knowledge Graph for Building Fire
Fire Technology ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10694-024-01544-6
Jun Hu , Xueming Shu , Xuecai Xie , Xiaoyong Ni , Yongsheng Yang , Shifei Shen


The traditional storage method of fire accident cases is mainly in the form of text, and it is difficult to effectively conduct comprehensive analysis due to the limited ability to display key information and fire knowledge. In this paper, a structured storage form of building fire cases was proposed based on knowledge graph, which can comprehensively describe and visualize the fire causes, the dynamic fire development process and evacuation process. It enables readers to get information and knowledge from building fire cases intuitively, and supports the comprehensive analysis for building fire prevention strategies. The knowledge graphs are constructed for two common building types (residential and public buildings), and have the capacity to reflect the dynamic development law of fires from ignition to spread in different buildings. Meanwhile, as the occupants’ evacuation is the first concern when a fire occurs, the knowledge graphs also visualize the relationship among various conditions in the evacuation process. Different application scenarios are displayed in the paper, including case query, root-cause analysis and consequence forecasting, which shows the advantages and applicability of building fire knowledge graph.




