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Second-order cosmological perturbations produced by scalar–scalar coupling during inflation stage
General Relativity and Gravitation ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s10714-024-03214-y
Bo Wang , Yang Zhang


We study the perturbations up to the 2nd-order for a power-law inflation driven by a scalar field in synchronous coordinates. We present the 1st-order solutions, and analytically solve the 2nd-order perturbed Einstein equation and scalar field equation, give the 2nd-order solutions for all the scalar, vector, and tensor metric perturbations, as well as the perturbed scalar field. During inflation, the 1st-order tensor perturbation is a wave and is decoupled from other perturbations, the scalar metric perturbation and the perturbed scalar field are coupled waves, propagating at the speed of light, differing from those in the dust and relativistic fluid models. The 1st-order vector perturbation is not wave and just decreases during inflation. The 2nd-order perturbed Einstein equation is similar in structure to the 1st-order one, but various products of the 1st-order perturbations occur as the effective source, among which the scalar–scalar coupling is considered in this paper. The solutions of all the 2nd-order perturbations consist of a homogeneous part similar to the 1st-order solutions, and an inhomogeneous part in a form of integrations of the effective source. The 2nd-order vector perturbation is also a wave since the effective source is composed of the 1st-order waves. We perform the residual gauge transformations between synchronous coordinates up to the 2nd-order, and identify the 1st-order and 2nd-order gauge modes.

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