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Impacts of the Relocation Program on Native American Migration and Fertility
The Journal of Economic History ( IF 2.459 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022050724000032
Mary Kopriva

This paper estimates the migratory and fertility effects of the federal Relocation Program, which attempted to move Native American individuals to urban areas under the promises of financial assistance and job training. I find the Relocation Program increased the Native American population in the target cities by more than 100,000 people. I also find that second- and third-generation Native American women living in cities have a 50 percent lower fertility rate than those living in areas with historically large Native American populations. These findings indicate that this program meaningfully shifted the spatial distribution of the Native American population.



本文估计了联邦搬迁计划对移民和生育的影响,该计划试图在经济援助和职业培训的承诺下将美洲原住民迁移到城市地区。我发现搬迁计划使目标城市的美洲原住民人口增加了超过 10 万。我还发现,生活在城市的第二代和第三代美洲原住民妇女的生育率比生活在历史上美洲原住民人口众多地区的妇女低 50%。这些发现表明,该计划有意义地改变了美洲原住民人口的空间分布。