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Accurate Equivalent Modeling and Thermal Analtsis of Stator Slot of Flat Wire Motor
International Journal of Automotive Technology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s12239-024-00046-2
Yecui Yan , Lin Chen , Hongjuan Ren , Cong Li


This paper presents a new method for the layered equivalent modeling of slot winding in the stator of a flat wire motor to accurately study the thermal performance under steady-state conditions. The conventional equivalent model for flat wire winding involves treating the slot winding as a single copper rod for temperature analysis. This method is not applicable to flat wire motors under high-power density operating conditions. As the power density of the motor increases, the flat wire winding is more affected by skin effect and proximity effect, resulting in a sharp increase in AC loss and uneven distribution of losses in the slot winding. The conductor losses are highest near the slot opening, a characteristic that conventional model is unable to reflect. The proposed layered modeling method fully takes into account the characteristics of flat wire winding. This method involves adding interlayer insulation to divide the overall modeled conductor into layers and fully considers the thermal parameters, heat transfer characteristics, and distribution of materials within the slot to establish a new equivalent model for flat wire winding. Finally, the comparison of the results with the actual model and experimental tests demonstrates that this method effectively improves the calculation accuracy by 2.2% of the flat wire winding equivalent model.




