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Price variation in the Caribbean spiny lobster fishery: Incentives for ongrowing wild-caught lobsters in Florida
Fisheries Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2024.106960
Taryn Garlock , Frank Asche , Casey B. Butler , Thomas R. Matthews , Erica Ross

The Caribbean spiny lobster, , is historically one of Florida’s most valuable commercial fisheries. The creation of a live export market in the 2010s increased the value of this fishery despite declines in total landings and potentially provides an economic opportunity to enhance the value of the fishery. However, the market potential may be limited by a misalignment between fishery production and market demand, as both landings and price have high seasonal variation. We explore the economic incentives for aligning fishery landings with market demand by estimating a hedonic price function to examine the effects of seasonality and product characteristics on the ex-vessel price of spiny lobster. Seasonality and product grade were the most important factors explaining variation in ex-vessel price. The monthly price premiums increased as the season progressed, with the largest increases in price in January and February, with 61% and 63% premiums compared to the price in August when most lobsters are harvested. In addition, live grade lobsters received a 34% premium to whole grade lobsters. The results call attention to the significant potential to increase the revenue of the fishery if changes in management shifted lobster harvest from August and September to January and February, or if aquaculture-based live storage or ongrowing of lobsters could be used to sell lobsters live and later in the season.



加勒比龙虾历来是佛罗里达州最有价值的商业渔业之一。尽管总上岸量下降,但 2010 年代活鱼出口市场的创建增加了该渔业的价值,并可能为提高该渔业的价值提供经济机会。然而,由于上岸量和价格都有很大的季节性变化,渔业生产和市场需求之间的错位可能会限制市场潜力。我们通过估计特征价格函数来探讨季节性和产品特征对龙虾离船价格的影响,从而探索使渔业上岸量与市场需求保持一致的经济激励措施。季节性和产品等级是解释离船价格变化的最重要因素。随着季节的推移,每月的价格溢价不断增加,其中一月和二月的价格涨幅最大,与大多数龙虾收获的八月价格相比,溢价分别为 61% 和 63%。此外,活级龙虾比整级龙虾溢价 34%。研究结果引起人们的注意,如果管理方面的变化将龙虾收获从八月和九月转移到一月和二月,或者如果可以利用基于水产养殖的活体储存或养殖龙虾来销售活龙虾和龙虾,那么渔业收入的巨大潜力就会增加。在赛季后期。