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Feasible spindle speed interval identification method for large aeronautical component robotic milling system
Mechatronics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2024.103143
Zhanxi Wang , Banghai Zhang , Wei Gao , Xiansheng Qin , Yicha Zhang , Chen Zheng

Robotic machining systems have been widely implemented in the assembly sites of large components of aircraft, such as wings, aircraft engine rooms, and wing boxes. Milling is the first step in aircraft assembly. It is considered one of the most significant processes because the quality of the subsequent drilling, broaching, and riveting steps depend strongly on the milling accuracy. However, the chatter phenomenon may occur during the milling process because of the low rigidity of the components of the robotic milling system (i.e., robots, shape-preserving holders, and rod parts). This may result in milling failure or even fracture of the robotic milling system. This paper presents a feasible spindle speed interval identification method for large aeronautical component milling systems to eliminate the chatter phenomenon. It is based on the chatter stability model and the analysis results of natural frequency and harmonic response. Firstly, the natural frequencies and harmonics of the main components of the robot milling system are analyzed, and the spindle speed that the milling system needs to avoid is obtained. Then, a flutter stability model considering the instantaneous cutting thickness is established, from which the critical cutting depth corresponding to the spindle speed can be obtained. Finally, the spindle speed interval of the robotic milling system could be optimized based on the results obtained from the chatter stability model and the analysis result of the natural frequency and harmonic response of the milling system. The effectiveness of the proposed spindle speed interval identification method is validated through time-domain simulation and experimental results of the large aeronautical component milling system.


