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Enhancing inclusive education in the UAE: Integrating AI for diverse learning needs
Research in Developmental Disabilities ( IF 3.000 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2024.104685
Alia El Naggar , Eman Gaad , Shannaiah Aubrey Mae Inocencio

Artificial Intelligence (AI) mediated systems have become important in educational set-ups, and it is still debatable whether or not they can be useful in special needs education. This qualitative research scrutinizes the experiences and perceptions of exceptional learners, as an example of special needs education, engaged in AI-mediated discussions versus traditional classroom dialogues. The study aims to reveal how these learners process and construct knowledge differently when AI is incorporated into their discussions and how it compares to conventional learning environments. The methodology entailed a detailed qualitative analysis, drawing upon cognitive psychology to assess how exceptional learners process information and engage in higher-order thinking. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and content analysis of AI-mediated discussions. from the study highlighted the capacity of AI technologies to offer personalized and intellectually stimulating educational experiences that resonate with constructivist approaches, promoting active learning and tailored instruction for exceptional learners. However, the research also brought to light certain challenges, including the tendency for confirmation bias and the risk of information overload within AI-mediated environments, which can complicate the learning trajectory within the zone of proximal development. The study underscores the dynamic interplay between AI technologies and educational processes for exceptional learners. It suggests that while AI can enhance personalized learning, it also introduces unique challenges that must be navigated carefully. Ultimately, this research lays a theoretical and empirical groundwork for the thoughtful integration of AI in supporting inclusive education, emphasizing the importance of continuous evaluation and adaptation.


