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Microbiological risk assessment and resistome analysis from shotgun metagenomics of bovine colostrum microbiome
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2024.103957
Muhammad Yasir , Ibrahim A. Al-Zahrani , Raees Khan , Samah Abdullah Soliman , Safaa A. Turkistani , Maha Alawi , Esam I. Azhar

Colostrum is known for its nutraceutical qualities, probiotic attributes, and health benefits. The aim of this study was to profile colostrum microbiome from bovine in rural sites of a developing country. The focus was on microbiological safety assessments and antimicrobial resistance, taking into account the risks linked with the consumption of raw colostrum. Shotgun sequencing was employed to analyze microbiome in raw buffalo and cow colostrum. Alpha and beta diversity analyses revealed increased inter and intra-variability within colostrum samples' microbiome from both livestock species. The colostrum microbiome was mainly comprised of bacteria, with over 90% abundance, whereas fungi and viruses were found in minor abundance. Known probiotic species, such as , , , and , were found in the colostrum samples. A relatively higher number of pathogenic and opportunistic pathogenic bacteria were identified in colostrum from both animals, including clinically significant bacteria like , , , and . Binning retrieved 11 high-quality metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), with three MAGs potentially representing novel species from the genera and . Notably, 175 antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) and variants were detected, with 55 of them common to both buffalo and cow colostrum metagenomes. These ARGs confer resistance against aminoglycoside, fluoroquinolone, tetracycline, sulfonamide, and peptide antibiotics. In conclusion, this study describes a thorough overview of microbial communities in buffalo and cow colostrum samples. It emphasizes the importance of hygienic processing and pasteurization in minimizing the potential transmission of harmful microorganisms linked to the consumption of colostrum.