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Increased signal of fishing pressure on community life-history traits at larger spatial scales
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-17 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13815
Caroline M. McKeon 1, 2 , Yvonne M. Buckley 1, 3 , Meadhbh Moriarty 4 , Mathieu Lundy 2 , Ruth Kelly 1, 2

Human pressure in the oceans is pervasive and affects marine life. Understanding species' differing responses to human pressure, and how human pressure compares to other environmental variables in shaping marine communities is needed to facilitate the sustainable management of the seas. Despite theory and empirical evidence that fishing pressure affects marine life-history strategies, several recent large-scale studies have not shown strong relationships between fishing pressure and community composition. We aim to reconcile theory with data and explain these variable findings, testing the hypothesis that the signal of the effect of fishing pressure on marine communities depends on the scale at which the community is defined.


