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Cloud-Native Computing: A Survey From the Perspective of Services
Proceedings of the IEEE ( IF 20.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-12 , DOI: 10.1109/jproc.2024.3353855
Shuiguang Deng 1 , Hailiang Zhao 1 , Binbin Huang 2 , Cheng Zhang 3 , Feiyi Chen 3 , Yinuo Deng 3 , Jianwei Yin 3 , Schahram Dustdar 4 , Albert Y. Zomaya 5

The development of cloud computing delivery models inspires the emergence of cloud-native computing. Cloud-native computing, as the most influential development principle for web applications, has already attracted increasingly more attention in both industry and academia. Despite the momentum in the cloud-native industrial community, a clear research roadmap on this topic is still missing. As a contribution to this knowledge, this article surveys key issues during the life cycle of cloud-native applications, from the perspective of services. Specifically, we elaborate on the research domains by decoupling the life cycle of cloud-native applications into four states: building, orchestration, operation, and maintenance. We also discuss the fundamental necessities and summarize the key performance metrics that play critical roles during the development and management of cloud-native applications. We highlight the key implications and limitations of existing works in each state. The challenges, future directions, and research opportunities are also discussed.


