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Freezing the Suspension of Laser Microcrystals—A New Way for Increasing the Luminescence Efficiency Response
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-14 , DOI: 10.1109/jqe.2024.3366470
M.A. Shevchenko 1 , S.F. Umanskaya 1 , K.I. Zemskov 1 , N.V. Tcherniega 1 , A.D. Kudryavtseva 1

In this work, for the first time, the property of particles to form close-packed layer in front of the freezing interface was used to increase the luminescent efficiency response for ruby and titanium-sapphire microcrystals water suspensions. An increase in the efficiency of luminescence response due to an increase in the concentration of particles at the freezing front, can be used for phase transition sensing. In addition, particles packing by freezing method can be used for tuning random laser generation or increasing the efficiency of different nonlinear optical effects in suspensions of particles.


