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Evaluating Metaverse Platforms: Status, Direction, and Challenges
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-08 , DOI: 10.1109/mce.2024.3350898
Jae-eun Shin 1 , Juhee Park 2 , Hayun Kim 1 , Woontack Woo 3 , Boram Yoon 1

The surging interest in the metaverse reflects a broader shift toward more immersive and interactive forms of digital platforms. Given the complex and multifaceted nature of these newly developing services, a systematic means to assess their technological dimensions, effectiveness, and impact is required. We thus present the status, direction, and challenges of establishing an evaluation framework for metaverse platforms. Based on a review of prior attempts to define and evaluate the metaverse, we propose our own definition of the metaverse-as-platform and derive six factors as a viable direction for metaverse platform evaluation. We address the challenges of developing these factors as a practical tool to assess, analyze, and shape the metaverse platform industry.


