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A Universal Cognitive Bias in Word Order: Evidence From Speakers Whose Language Goes Against It
Psychological Science ( IF 10.172 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-22 , DOI: 10.1177/09567976231222836
Alexander Martin 1 , David Adger 2 , Klaus Abels 3 , Patrick Kanampiu 4 , Jennifer Culbertson 4

There is a long-standing debate in cognitive science surrounding the source of commonalities among languages of the world. Indeed, there are many potential explanations for such commonalities—accidents of history, common processes of language change, memory limitations, constraints on linguistic representations, and so on. Recent research has used psycholinguistic experiments to provide empirical evidence linking common linguistic patterns to specific features of human cognition, but these experiments tend to use English speakers, who in many cases have direct experience with the common patterns of interest. Here we highlight the importance of testing populations whose languages go against cross-linguistic trends. We investigate whether adult monolingual speakers of Kîîtharaka, which has an unusual way of ordering words, mirror the word-order preferences of English speakers. We find that they do, supporting the hypothesis that universal cognitive representations play a role in shaping word order.


