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Work Role Commitment and Interference of Work with Family Among Asian and White Americans: A Self-Verification Perspective
American Behavioral Scientist ( IF 2.531 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1177/00027642241231312
Yu-Shan Hsu 1 , Mihaela Dimitrova 2 , Margaret A. Shaffer 3 , Gloria J. Miller 4

Based on a sample of 168 Asian Americans and 248 White Americans, we found that Asian Americans were more prone to experience interference of work with family life when they were highly committed to their work role compared to White Americans. This difference was more pronounced for Asian Americans with low self-esteem, whereas there were no differences between the ethnic groups for those with high self-esteem. In sum, we find that examining the level of commitment of Asian Americans to a work role is insufficient for understanding how their work interferes with family life. Our findings reflect that, for Asian Americans, their cultural values, traditions, and heritage also play a significant role, especially for those individuals with low self-esteem. The article also addresses practical implications and future directions for research.



基于 168 名亚裔美国人和 248 名美国白人的样本,我们发现,与美国白人相比,当亚裔美国人高度投入工作角色时,他们更容易受到工作与家庭生活的干扰。这种差异对于低自尊的亚裔美国人来说更为明显,而对于高自尊的亚裔美国人来说,不同种族之间没有差异。总之,我们发现,检查亚裔美国人对工作角色的承诺程度不足以理解他们的工作如何干扰家庭生活。我们的研究结果表明,对于亚裔美国人来说,他们的文化价值观、传统和传统也发挥着重要作用,特别是对于那些自尊心低的人来说。本文还讨论了实际意义和未来研究方向。