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Transparency in the use of assets confiscated from mafia organizations
International Review of Administrative Sciences ( IF 2.397 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-22 , DOI: 10.1177/00208523231219495
Marco Bisogno 1 , Beatriz Cuadrado-Ballesteros 2 , Francesca Citro 1 , Giovanni Vaia 3

Several remedies can be adopted in the fight against organized crime and mafias. One of the most effective is the confiscation of their assets. After confiscation, assets can be used to provide services to citizens, frequently thanks to the support of non-profit organizations. With a focus on Italy, this study investigates the transparency of the confiscation process and the factors that explain why local governments provide (or do not provide) information on confiscated assets.Points for practitionersTo facilitate dialogue with citizens, it is essential to consider the perspective of data users, so as to avoid focusing on the data provider. Such a dialogue can aid the adequate reuse of assets confiscated from the mafia and other criminal organizations, contributing to the ‘social’ fight against them. This article contributes to the debate on both transparency and studies on mafia organizations, providing a new insight through the consideration of how external pressures can drive public-sector entities to be more transparent.


