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Activist Co-production for the Right to Occupy, Hold Ground, and Upgrade
Planning Theory ( IF 3.627 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-01 , DOI: 10.1177/14730952231213952
Ana Paula Pimentel Walker 1 , María Arquero de Alarcón 1 , Abigail Friendly 2 , Benedito Roberto Barbosa 3 , Marilene Ribeiro de Souza 4 , Sheila Cristiane Santos Nobre 5

This article theorises a multi-year participatory action research engagement focusing on young land occupations and consolidated favelas in São Paulo’s south periphery, providing an arsenal of tools for activist-scholars. Building on Paulo Freire's legacy, we call on academia to embrace activist co-production, learn from and support informal dwellers’ everyday urbanisms, and join social movements’ struggles for social transformation. We advance three modalities of action: awareness raising through emancipatory education and capacity building; articulatção through knowledge exchange between young and consolidated informal communities; and advocacy through policy reform for the right to occupy, hold ground, and upgrade.


