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A National Survey of the Writing Instructional Practices of Teachers of Students With Visual Impairments
The Journal of Special Education ( IF 1.968 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-29 , DOI: 10.1177/00224669231226325
Derek B. Rodgers 1 , Michael Hebert 2 , Mackenzie E. Savaiano 3 , Natalie A. Koziol 3 , Pamela Shanahan Bazis 3

Despite the importance of writing skill development, we know very little about how writing instruction is provided to students with visual impairments (VI) with and without co-occurring disabilities (e.g., multiple disabilities, deaf-blindness). The purpose of this study was to survey a national sample of teachers of students with visual impairments (TSVIs) on several important constructs, including their preparation to teach writing; their beliefs, attitudes, and experiences about teaching writing; and the writing practices they use for students with various visual conditions. We received responses from 457 TSVIs. The results showed that TSVIs vary considerably in their preparation to teach writing and disagree as to whether writing instruction (above and beyond braille) is part of their responsibilities. Most TSVIs indicated that they believe writing to be important for their students with VI, and they reported using various writing practices in their instruction within different student groups.



尽管写作技能发展很重要,但我们对如何向患有或不患有并发残疾(例如,多重残疾、聋盲)的视觉障碍(VI)学生提供写作指导知之甚少。本研究的目的是对全国视力障碍学生 (TSVI) 教师样本进行调查,了解几个重要的概念,包括他们为教授写作所做的准备;他们对写作教学的信念、态度和经验;以及他们针对具有不同视觉条件的学生使用的写作练习。我们收到了 457 个 TSVI 的回复。结果表明,TSVI 在教授写作的准备工作上差异很大,并且对于写作教学(盲文以外的内容)是否是其职责的一部分存在分歧。大多数 TSVI 表示,他们认为写作对于 VI 学生很重要,并且他们报告在不同学生群体的教学中使用了不同的写作练习。