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University Work Experiences in International Development: Expanding Locations, Spaces and Pathways
Progress in Development Studies ( IF 1.926 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-06 , DOI: 10.1177/14649934231211676
Anke Schwittay

How can university work experiences contribute to reframing International Development from expert saviourism rooted in colonial legacies into a project of social justice and global solidarity? In this article, I propose the design of work-experiential pedagogies that integrate practical work experiences with critical theoretical teaching and an emphasis on students’ experiential knowledge. Such pedagogies call for an expansion of the forms of university work experiences, challenging students to reflect on their manifold personal and institutional locations, to explore the diverse spaces in which work experiences can take place and to experiment with multiple pathways for change. My proposal draws on teaching examples and student journeys at my home university in the UK.


