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Learning with Leaders: Taking care of self and others: Melvin Brown
Phi Delta Kappan ( IF 0.980 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-30 , DOI: 10.1177/00317217241230787
James F. Lane

Melvin J. Brown, superintendent of Montgomery Public Schools in Alabama, talks with PDK CEO James Lane about the importance of self-care and networks of support in times of crisis. He shares how he has prioritized listening to the community to develop a vision for his district and build programs that students are interested in so that all students can achieve their goals.



阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利公立学校的校长梅尔文·J·布朗 (Melvin J. Brown) 与 PDK 首席执行官詹姆斯·莱恩 (James Lane) 讨论了危机时期自我保健和支持网络的重要性。他分享了他如何优先听取社区的意见,为他的学区制定愿景,并制定学生感兴趣的项目,以便所有学生都能实现他们的目标。