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Epilepsy and driving: A preliminary survey of people with epilepsy at an epilepsy clinic in China
Epilepsy & Behavior ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2024.109668
Xiantao Li , Yuan Pei , Yan Ge , Lan Xu , Yue Zhang , Li Zheng , Ding Ding , Zhen Hong , PeiminYu

Driving is an important part of the daily life for most adults, and restrictions on driving can significantly affect the quality of life for people with epilepsy. This study aimed to investigate the current driving status of patients at an epilepsy clinic in China. Study participants were administered a survey by a questionnaire including the demographic and clinical characteristics of seizure, driving-related questions and attitudes to driving. A total of 101 patients responded the survey. Among 33(32.7%) who hold the driving license, 20 (60.6%) still drive, 3 had seizures while driving, and the rate of traffic accidents was 0. There was no significant difference in seizure frequency and type of medication between patients with and without the driving license, but compliance with medication was significantly better for those who held the driving license. One-third of people with epilepsy hold the driving license and good drug compliance is a favorable factor for driving. Standardizing different levels of restriction on driving for people with epilepsy is urgently needed.